Technology and Expertise

The Archimedes Screw Turbine System

*Revolutionizing hydroelectric power generation, the Archimedes Screw Turbine System forms the basis of our projects.
*It enables environmentally friendly power production with its silent operation, fish-friendly design, and high efficiency.

Smart Energy Management

*By focusing on the principle of digitalization in our projects, we manage energy systems in a smart and effective way. *We maximize energy efficiency with data analytics, continuous monitoring, and smart technologies.

YEO Technology Cooperation

*Our cooperation with YEO Technology for innovative solutions and strong technological infrastructure contributes to reinforcing our leadership in the sector. *We work together on projects focusing on decentralization, decarbonization, and digitalization (3D) principles.

Environmentally Friendly Innovation

*For our technological solutions, we adopt designs that minimize environmental impacts and respect nature. *We offer solutions to the energy needs of the future by combining innovation with environmentally friendly energy solutions.